Unusual Royal Wedding Commemorative Items
A copy of an illustration from a book entitled "Knit Your Own Royal Wedding" shows knitted figures of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton in this undated photograph received in London on March 28, 2011. The book, by Fiona Goble, gives instructions on how to knit figures that look like Prince William, Kate Middleton and other members of the royal family, as well as the Archbishop of Canterbury. The book contains a fold-out balcony on which to display the figures. Reuters Pictures
A set of commemorative Pez candy dispensers, to celebrate the wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton, is pictured at the Pez headquarters in Traun March 30, 2011. The dispensers will be auctioned on the Internet to raise money for a charity to be determined by the royal couple. Reuters Pictures
A set of commemorative Pez candy dispensers, to celebrate the wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton, is pictured at the Pez headquarters in Traun March 30, 2011. The dispensers will be auctioned on the Internet to raise money for a charity to be determined by the royal couple. Reuters Pictures