The Queen and Her Hats - So Very Royal

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II adjusts her hat while inspecting uniforms of one of the British Army's most famous regiments, the King's Royal Rifles Corps or 60th Rifles, which is now the present day Royal Green Jackets, in Winchester, Tuesday 12 July 2005. As Colonel-in-Chief of the 60th Rifles and now the RGJ, the Queen will review a parade of veterans and pass through an avenue of riflemen in uniforms from the regiment's history before planting a tree at St Cross Grounds to commemorate the event. Getty Images

Pictured Right:Britain's Queen Elizabeth II waves 19 October 2006 during a farewell ceremony at the City Council square in Riga. The queen praised Latvians' love of liberty and hailed the long-standing ties between Britain and the Baltic state, where she began the first-ever visit by a British monarch. Elizabeth II began her tour to the Baltics 16 October in Lithuania, led by former US citizen President Valdas Adamkus, and will end it 19 October in Estonia, where Toomas Hendrik Ilves -- born in Sweden and raised in the United States -- was elected president last month. Getty Images
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