Is Letizia expecting?
While there has certainly been no announcement of a third pregnancy for the future King and Queen of Spain, purely coincidental evidence leads me to believe that Letizia Princess of the Asturias may be adding to her family. This is based entirely on the fact that Crown Princess Mary of Denmark latest pregnancy was announced last week. The royal lives of Mary and Letizia have run on parallel courses since the very beginning, with Mary trotting ahead of Letizia in all family milestones by only a week or so each time.
ENGAGEMENT: 24 days difference
The much-anticipated engagement of Mary Donaldson and Crown Prince Fredrik of Denmark was announced on 8 October 2003 while the engagement of Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano took the world by surprise on 1 November.
WEDDING: 8 days difference
The Danish crown couple marched to the altar on 14 May 2004, but still made it to the church on time to see their Spanish counterparts get married on 22 May.
FIRST CHILD: 16 days difference
Mary and Fredrik welcomed the first addition to their family, the future King Christian, on 15 October 2005, while Letizia and Felipe's firstborn, Infanta Leonor, was born on 31 October, amidst speculation about whether Spain would change the laws regarding succession so that she, as a female, might be able to become queen. (The laws, incidentally, have still not changed.)
SECOND CHILD: 8 days difference
The Danes were thrilled by the arrival of the first Danish princess of her generation with the birth of Princess Isabella to Mary and Fredrik on 21 April 2007 while Spain celebrated another little infanta on 29 April to Letizia and Felipe, who named her in honor of her grandmother Queen Sofia.
The Danish court announced last week that Crown Princess Mary is not only pregnant, but expecting twins in January 2011. This certainly ups the ante for Princess Letizia. Judging by her latest photos, it doesn't look like she's entered the baby stakes again yet. But, in order to stay competitive, she must not only conceive quickly but doubly! (Incidentally, Mary is also just seven months older than Letizia and Fredrik is four months younger than Felipe.)
ENGAGEMENT: 24 days difference
The much-anticipated engagement of Mary Donaldson and Crown Prince Fredrik of Denmark was announced on 8 October 2003 while the engagement of Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano took the world by surprise on 1 November.
WEDDING: 8 days difference
The Danish crown couple marched to the altar on 14 May 2004, but still made it to the church on time to see their Spanish counterparts get married on 22 May.
FIRST CHILD: 16 days difference
Mary and Fredrik welcomed the first addition to their family, the future King Christian, on 15 October 2005, while Letizia and Felipe's firstborn, Infanta Leonor, was born on 31 October, amidst speculation about whether Spain would change the laws regarding succession so that she, as a female, might be able to become queen. (The laws, incidentally, have still not changed.)
SECOND CHILD: 8 days difference
The Danes were thrilled by the arrival of the first Danish princess of her generation with the birth of Princess Isabella to Mary and Fredrik on 21 April 2007 while Spain celebrated another little infanta on 29 April to Letizia and Felipe, who named her in honor of her grandmother Queen Sofia.
The Danish court announced last week that Crown Princess Mary is not only pregnant, but expecting twins in January 2011. This certainly ups the ante for Princess Letizia. Judging by her latest photos, it doesn't look like she's entered the baby stakes again yet. But, in order to stay competitive, she must not only conceive quickly but doubly! (Incidentally, Mary is also just seven months older than Letizia and Fredrik is four months younger than Felipe.)