Thank You!
Thank you to all the kind people who have continued to visit this apparently dormant blog during this absence! It is returning this week and will be back up to speed again!
Meanwhile, have you ever noticed the similarity between football managers and kings? The mob mentality that hails a hero during the good times and calls for his head when things go wrong? And why do we set so much store by a team winning a game? All kinds of projections go on there and, under the circumstances, being English, perhaps it was better to let this lie tonight!!
After wanting England to win, I wanted the USA to I am rooting for Holland :-)
Meanwhile, have you ever noticed the similarity between football managers and kings? The mob mentality that hails a hero during the good times and calls for his head when things go wrong? And why do we set so much store by a team winning a game? All kinds of projections go on there and, under the circumstances, being English, perhaps it was better to let this lie tonight!!
After wanting England to win, I wanted the USA to I am rooting for Holland :-)