Chanel and The Duke of Westminster

Portrait by Sir William Newenham Montague Orpen
The great designer, Chanel, longed to marry even though she had such a splendid career. She remarked that she did have the chance to marry once and become a duchess as well. She said that she refused the Duke of Westminster, however. "There are many Duchesses of Westminster, but only one Chanel!", she said.
Chanel and the Duke were introduced at a party in Monte Carlo and had a long affair. The ex-soldier was incredibly rich and took Chanel on many holidays on his yacht. He also showered her with jewelry. According to one legend, he hid a beautiful uncut emerald at the bottom of a crate of vegetables for his glamorous girlfriend. He must have been surprised at one stage, however, when he arrived at the designer's door with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and the attendant didn't recognise him and tried to give the 'delivery boy' a tip!
You can see some gorgeous stills of the film, Coco Avant Chanel, at: Chanel Photos at Filmofilia